Internet history

Internet history - online!

This site was originally created in 2003 and is privately maintained as a general reference on Internet history.

What our readers are saying.....

"A fantastic Internet history resource, this portal points you toward a wealth of blissfully nontechnical info tracing the international evolution of the Net-as well as of computers and e-mail."  PC Magazine.

"This is a great site! As I was doing some research for a project at work, I need more information about the internet; it's beginnings and where it is headed. This is the best site on the web now that I have been able to find. Thanks for your time in putting this together".

"This is an amazing website appropriate for any school project (my particular usage) or any sudden need to find out how email was created. This appeared first on my google seach titled the history of email".

Welcome to our online resource centre for the fascinating history of the Internet. Learn about all the events that came together to create the early Internet - protocols, personal computers, email, world wide web, networks, and much more!

Want an overview? Start with Ian Peter's History of the Internet. Download professionally produced audio files on key subjects or read on line. For more in depth information and further links, try the Resources section and Archives.

Or for some later Internet History writings and resources (this site was created in 2004 and is being kept in its original state) visit Ian Peter's weblog

So, who really did invent the Internet? Ian Peter traces the various theories as regards the origins of the Internet, debunks the theory that it began in The Pentagon in 1969 in some attempt to avoid the effects of nuclear war, and concludes that there is no satisfactory answer! Click here for this fascinating expose of attempts to claim ownership of the Internet on the basis of dubious claims.

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